
Using HMAC Authentication

The Bonsai API supports a hash-based message authentication code protocol for authenticating requests.
Last updated
June 13, 2023

Alpha Stage

The Bonsai API is currently in its Alpha release phase. It may not be feature-complete, and is subject to change without notice. If you have any questions about the roadmap of the API, please reach out to support.


The Bonsai API supports a hash-based message authentication code protocol for authenticating requests. This scheme allows the API to simultaneously verify both the integrity and the authenticity of a user’s request.

This authentication protocol requires that all API requests include three HTTP headers:

  • X-BonsaiApi-Time. The current Unix time – seconds since epoch. This value helps to guarantee uniqueness over time, and must be within one minute of our server time to prevent replay attacks.
  • X-BonsaiApi-Key. The API token’s key, as generated within the Bonsai application. This key will also have a corresponding secret.
  • X-BonsaiApi-Hmac. The hexadecimal HMAC-SHA1 digest of your shared secret and the concatenation of the above time and public key.

For example, in Ruby, the X-BonsaiApi-Auth header can be computed as: OpenSSL::HMAC.hexdigest('sha1', token_secret, "#{time}#{token_key}"), where the token_secret is the API key’s secret.

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