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Sep 22, 2014

Announcing Kibana!

Nick Zadrozny



min read

Many of our customers have asked for Kibana, the popular analytics package which is now officially part of Elasticsearch’s suite of tools. We’ve answered the call and are proud to announce support for Kibana. As of September 22nd, 2014 all Bonsai Hosted Elasticsearch clusters (Heroku and direct signups) can access Kibana from their respective dashboards.

For Heroku customers, access to Kibana can be found here:

For direct signup customers, access to Kibana can be found here:

Kibana is a very powerful analytics package that provides direct search and graphing for your own data. It’s eminently extensible allowing for the creation of custom dashboards. There are some default dashboards that cover many of the most common needs as well.

For more information on Kibana, please visit: http://www.elasticsearch.org/overview/kibana/.

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