

How to integrate Bonsai Elasticsearch with your.Net app.
Last updated
July 7, 2023

Bonsai Elasticsearch integrates with your .Net app quickly and easily, whether you’re running on Heroku or self hosting.

First, make sure to add the Elasticsearch.Net and NEST client to your dependencies list:

<div class="code-snippet-container"><a fs-copyclip-element="click-1" href="#" class="btn w-button code-copy-button" title="Copy"><img class="copy-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""><img class="copied-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""></a><div class="code-snippet"><pre><code fs-codehighlight-element="code" fs-copyclip-element="copy-this-1" class="hljs language-javascript">...


You’ll also want to make sure the client is installed locally for testing purposes:

<div class="code-snippet-container"><a fs-copyclip-element="click-2" href="#" class="btn w-button code-copy-button" title="Copy"><img class="copy-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""><img class="copied-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""></a><div class="code-snippet"><pre><code fs-codehighlight-element="code" fs-copyclip-element="copy-this-2" class="hljs language-javascript">$ dotnet restore</code></pre></div></div>

Self-hosted users: when you sign up with Bonsai and create a cluster, it will be provisioned with a custom URL that looks like Make note of this URL because it will be needed momentarily.

Heroku users: you’ll want to make sure that you’ve added Bonsai Elasticsearch to your app. Visit our addons page to see available plans. You can add Bonsai to your app through the dashboard, or by running:

<div class="code-snippet-container"><a fs-copyclip-element="click-3" href="#" class="btn w-button code-copy-button" title="Copy"><img class="copy-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""><img class="copied-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""></a><div class="code-snippet"><pre><code fs-codehighlight-element="code" fs-copyclip-element="copy-this-3" class="hljs language-javascript">$ heroku addons:create bonsai: -a</code></pre></div></div>

Update your Main.cs file with the following:

<div class="code-snippet-container"><a fs-copyclip-element="click-4" href="#" class="btn w-button code-copy-button" title="Copy"><img class="copy-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""><img class="copied-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""></a><div class="code-snippet"><pre><code fs-codehighlight-element="code" fs-copyclip-element="copy-this-4" class="hljs language-javascript">using System;
using Nest;

namespace search.con
   class Program
       static void Main(string[] args)
           var server = new Uri(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BONSAI_URL"));
           var conn = new ConnectionSettings(server);
           // use gzip to reduce network bandwidth
           // lets the HttpConnection control this for optimal access (default: 80)
           var client = new ElasticClient(conn);

           var resp = client.Ping();
           if (resp.IsValid)
               Console.WriteLine("All is well");
               Console.WriteLine("Elasticsearch cluster is down");

The code above does several things:

  1. Pulls your Bonsai URL from the environment (you never want to hard-code this value – it’s a bad practice)
  2. References the Elasticsearch.Net and NEST libraries
  3. Instantiates the client using your private Bonsai URL
  4. Pings the cluster to test the connection

Self-hosted users: You will need to take an additional step and add your Bonsai URL to your server/dev environment variables. Something like this should work:

<div class="code-snippet-container"><a fs-copyclip-element="click-5" href="#" class="btn w-button code-copy-button" title="Copy"><img class="copy-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""><img class="copied-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""></a><div class="code-snippet"><pre><code fs-codehighlight-element="code" fs-copyclip-element="copy-this-5" class="hljs language-javascript">$ export BONSAI_URL=""</code></pre></div></div>

Heroku users: You don’t need to worry about this step. The environment variable is automatically populated for you when you add Bonsai Elasticsearch to your app. You can verify that it exists by running:

<div class="code-snippet-container"><a fs-copyclip-element="click-6" href="#" class="btn w-button code-copy-button" title="Copy"><img class="copy-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""><img class="copied-image" src="" loading="lazy" alt=""></a><div class="code-snippet"><pre><code fs-codehighlight-element="code" fs-copyclip-element="copy-this-6" class="hljs language-javascript">$ heroku config:get BONSAI_URL</code></pre></div></div>

Go ahead and spin up your .Net app with <span class="inline-code"><pre><code>dotnet run</code></pre></span>. Heroku users can also push the changes to Heroku, and monitor the logs with <span class="inline-code"><pre><code>heroku logs --tail</code></pre></span>. Either way, you should see something like this:

Elasticsearch INFO: 2016-02-03T23:44:41Z
 Adding connection to

Elasticsearch DEBUG: 2016-02-03T23:44:41Z
 Request complete

Elasticsearch TRACE: 2016-02-03T23:44:41Z
 -> HEAD

 <- 200

The above output indicates that the client was successfully initiated and was able to contact the cluster.

Questions? Problems? Feel free to ping our support if something isn’t working right and we’ll do what we can to help out.

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