
Which Versions Bonsai Supports

Bonsai supports a large number of Elasticsearch versions in regions all over the world.
Last updated
July 9, 2024

Bonsai supports a large number of Elasticsearch versions in regions all over the world. Multitenant class clusters usually have more limited options in terms of available regions and versions, while single tenant class clusters have far more options.

If you need a version or geographic region that is not listed here, reach out to our support and let us know what you need. We can get you a quote and timeline for getting up and running.

Multitenant Class

Bonsai operates a fleet of shared resource nodes in Oregon, Virginia, Ireland, Frankfurt, and Sydney. The Elasticsearch versions available on these nodes do not change often.

Sandbox clusters are limited to the most recent version of Elasticsearch and may be subject to automatic upgrades when a new version is released.

For all other multitenant plans, when Bonsai adds support for a new version, we will create a new server group rather than upgrading an existing group. The exception to this is a potential patch upgrade in response to some critical vulnerability. In other words, users will not be upgraded in place unless there is a vulnerability to address or if they are on a Sandbox plan. Read How Bonsai Handles Elasticsearch Releases for more information.

This table shows which versions of Elasticsearch are available for multitenant plans. Last updated: 2023-08-10.

<tr><th>Plan</th><th>Elasticsearch Versions </th><th>OpenSearch Versions</th></tr>
<tr><td>All other multitenant </td><td>5.6.16 / 6.8.21 / 7.10.2 </td><td>2.6.0</td></tr>

Multitenant Version Support by Region

Multitenant plans are supported in a handful of popular regions, although the versions available to free plans is limited. Additional regions are available to Business and Enterprise subscriptions.

<tr><th>Cloud</th><th>Region</th><th>Location</th><th>Elasticsearch 5.6.16</th><th>Elasticsearch 6.8.21</th><th>Elasticsearch 7.10.2</th><th>OpenSearch 2.6.0</th></tr>
<tr><td>AWS</td><td>us-east-1</td><td>Virginia, USA</td><td>Standard Plans</td><td>Standard Plans</td><td>Standard, Free Plans</td><td>Standard Free Plans</td></tr>
<tr><td>AWS</td><td>us-west-2</td><td>Oregon, USA</td><td>Standard Plans</td><td>Standard Plans</td><td>Standard, Free Plans</td><td>Standard, FreePlans</td></tr>
<tr><td>AWS</td><td>eu-west-1</td><td>Ireland, EU</td><td>Standard Plans</td><td>Standard Plans</td><td>Standard, Free Plans</td><td>Standard, Free Plans</td></tr>
<tr><td>GCP</td><td>us-east1</td><td>Virginia, USA</td><td>Standard Plans</td><td>Standard Plans</td><td>Standard, Free Plans</td><td>Standard, Free Plans</td></tr>

Single Tenant Class

Single tenant clusters can be deployed in Oregon, Virginia, Ireland, Frankfurt, Sydney, and Tokyo. We support a variety of Elasticsearch versions for these kinds of clusters and will default to the most recent minor version unless something else is specified.

This table shows which versions of Elasticsearch are available for single tenant plans. Last updated: 2023-08-10.

<tr><th>Plan</th><th>Elasticsearch Versions </th><th>OpenSearch Versions</th></tr>
<tr><td>All single tenant </td><td>2.4.0 to 7.10.2</td><td>1.2.4 to 2.6.0</td></tr>

Enterprise Deployments

Bonsai can deploy and manage whichever version of Elasticsearch or OpenSearch your use case needs. Please reach out to us at

Older Search Engine Version Pricing

For major search engine versions behind Bonsai’s current primary supported version (OpenSearch 2.x and Elasticsearch 7.x), clusters will be charged an operational and maintenance fee to ensure that we can continue to support these older versions, and that we can give your organization the time it needs to decide when to upgrade to a new major version.

The fee will be assessed based on the following table:

Search Engine VersionOperational Fee
OpenSearch 1.x or Elasticsearch 6.x20%
OpenSearch 1.x or Elasticsearch 6.x20%
Elasticsearch 5.x15% additional
Elasticsearch 2.x10% additional
Elasticsearch 1.x5% additional
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